The charts here are visualisation of the Am I the Asshole?
subreddit which can be found here
The subreddit describes itself as…
A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that’s been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you’re right, or you’re the asshole. See our Best Of “Most Controversial” at /r/AITAFiltered!
Please note that the posts here are generated based on the Reddit website by doing GET
requests. So, it is based on their current entries. So, these are live data obtained from the site and not static data hardcoded in the website.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
YTA | You’re the A-hole |
NTA | Not the A-hole |
ESH | Everyone sucks here |
NAH | No A-holes here |
INFO | Not Enough Info |
Fig 1. Abbreviation Table for the Subreddit
let summary = [];
let parseResult = (link) => {
const endPoint = "" + link + ".json?limit=80&jsonp=?";
let replies = "";
$.getJSON(endPoint, function(data){
let title = (data[0].data.children[0].data["title"]);
replies = data[1]["data"].children;
let url = "" + link;
let noOfReplies = replies.length;
let countNTAAppearance = 0;
let nta = "NTA";
let countYTAAppearance = 0;
let countESHAppearance = 0;
let countNAHAppearance = 0;
let countINFOAppearance = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < noOfReplies; i++) {
let reply = replies[i]["data"].body;
if (reply == undefined)
countNTAAppearance += (reply.match(/NTA/g) || []).length;
countYTAAppearance += (reply.match(/YTA/g) || []).length;
countESHAppearance += (reply.match(/ESH/g) || []).length;
countNAHAppearance += (reply.match(/NAH/g) || []).length;
countINFOAppearance += (reply.match(/INFO/g) || []).length;
let jsonResult = {
"id" : data[0].data.children[0].data["id"],
"url": url,
"title": title,
"countNTAAppearance": countNTAAppearance,
"countYTAAppearance": countYTAAppearance,
"countESHAppearance" : countESHAppearance,
"countNAHAppearance" : countNAHAppearance,
"countINFOAppearance" : countINFOAppearance,
let showResult = (jsonResult) => {
let output = "<strong>" + jsonResult["title"] + "</strong>";
let out = output + "<p><a id=" + jsonResult["id"] + "_link> Click here</a> to view post in context.</p>";
$(".result").append("<div class = 'shadow'>" + out +"<div class='' id=" + jsonResult["id"] + "></div></div>");
$("#" + jsonResult["id"] + "_link").prop("href", jsonResult["url"]);
let id = "#" + jsonResult["id"];
const data = {
labels: ["NTA","YTA","ESH","NAH","INFO"],
datasets: [
name: "data",
charType: 'percentage',
values: [
const chart = new frappe.Chart(id, {
data: data,
type: 'percentage',
colors: ['#33691e', '#b71c1c', '#f47e17','#1a237e','#e8eaf6']
let getPost = () => {
let result = "";
let entries = [];
let endPoint = ""
$.getJSON(endPoint, function(data){
result = data;
entries = result["data"].children;
for(let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++){
let link = (entries[i]["data"]["permalink"]);